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More than 20 000 happy Greet users. Daily.
WHAT does it mean for them?

NO additional apps

We know how annoying it can be to download yet another app, but with Greet you don't have to do that. Just a scan a QR code, place an order, pay the bill, split it and leave tip.

NO more waiting

We understand that customers visit places to enjoy quality time without waiting for the menu or looking for a waiter to make an order.

SPLITTING the bill

Finally, customers can forget the headache of splitting the bill of a group. Taking photos of it, calculating, and sending bank transfers to friends are things of the past. With Greet, everyone can choose the items they want to pay for.

EASY reordering

There's no need to wait for waiters to reorder a drink or additional snacks. Guests can simply scan the QR code and place additional order.

EASY way to leave a tip

No more inconvenience for guests if they don't have cash. With Greet, guests have the option to leave tips with a card or any other convenient payment method simply by scanning the QR code.

EASY to use

Attractive design and convenient layout are what customers love about using Greet.

…The feedback says it all

Greet is very easy to work with. Their team is always there for us and quick to respond to any queries. We get a lot of positive feedback from guests and waiters. Convenient for both us and our park guests!

Briusly No Walls restaurant manager

We are very happy to have discovered the Greet Orders system. The system is flexible and we can adapt it according to the needs of our restaurant. We always receive pleasant and patient communication.

Ateik Ateik restaurant manager

We thank the entire Greet team for their cooperation, innovative solutions and quick response. I would especially like to mention the quick response to our requests and needs. The ability to efficiently complete tasks and provide timely responses helped to work smoothly with taking orders in the restaurant.

Garden Bees restaurant owner

Greet Orders allows us to work more efficiently! The benefits are especially felt on the busiest summer evenings. The staff manages to serve more tables in the same time, and the guests have to wait less. Also, waiters collect more tips than usual. Everyone is happy!

Iešmas ir Ližė restaurant manager

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO