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Four buddies from the IT field got tired of long waiting in restaurants. Want to order? Wait for the menu. Want to pay? Wait for the bill. Not to mention the moment when you want to split the bill or leave a tip when you don't have cash. They became so frustrated by this that they quit their jobs and started creating a solution to eliminate these troubles.

A simple idea
turned into a solution

WE KNEW there had to be a better way.

WE KNEW there had to be a better way.

One that would be as easy as saying hello. That's how Greet was born. The idea was simple: use technology to save time, streamline processes, and allow to enjoy while visiting a restaurant.

The solution is working,
and the team is expanding


Today, we have a growing team and we are happy to continue generating new ideas and contribute to the development of the hospitality industry.

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO

With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO With GREET everything is as easy as HELLO